Most satisfying moment for an Analyst

And the award for the Vaguest statement a Business/Data/Product Analyst get to hear from their stakeholders goes to;

Ronak Agrawal
1 min readJan 11, 2022

“Is this data correct? Are you sure? “

You must have received such comments from your stakeholders throughout your career. But do not panic yet; because there are two possible outcomes:

  • If the data is wrong ✖️, That’s a shame
  • If the data is correct ✔️, That’s certainly is an eye-opener for the company.

I love the situations when my stakeholders doubt my Analysis, and it turns out to be an eye-opener for the company. I had a few in my life.

Disclaimer: This was written from the core of my heart and was just for fun. While reading, one might presume that I feel satisfied while proving someone else’s wrong. Well, that’s not entirely true. Your partner Analysts saying that “I have some bandwidth, pass it to me” still stands first 🙃



Ronak Agrawal

When was the last time you did something for the first time? Product @Upstox